The Early Years

Bill & I married while still students at the University of Illinois!  We both worked to be able to pay the rent & buy a few groceries.  Everyone has special stories like this to share.  It’s similar to stories our parents & grandparents!  One popular one is their daily 5 mile walk to school in deep snow uphill both ways!

I love to tell stories and will do my best to be accurate!  Bill & I had one semester left to finish school & needed to save money on driving, so decided it would be great to live on campus.  There was only one apartment (above a pizza parlor) that looked promising.

The manager made us an offer we couldn’t refuse.   If we took the trash out from each floor every morning at 6:00 am, he would give us a 50% discount on the rent.  Of course, we said YES!!!

This was just the beginning of a married  life that would be full of adventure!  Well, it wasn’t as easy as it sounds, but we managed and were able to walk to our classes.  I rode my bike to the restaurant where I waited tables.  Bill had a TA job, so every little bit helped.


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