Week 2 en France!

Keira asked us Thursday morning why in Austin we go where she and Marc like to go, but here in France we take them to places they don’t like to go.

My husband’s answer: This is our history, and we’d like for you to see it and learn about it.

Of course, statements like hers seem to come from temporary amnesia.

The week began with a visit to an epically cool indoor pool with a waterslide that she LOVED.

In france, board shorts and swim trunks are not allowed in pools. They closely resemble shorts, and therefore, everyone must wear tight “speedo” like swim shorts. The pool attendants said these were actually too long on their legs. LOL!
Perfect bike for her size with basket and a bell ! She love it. We ride everyday getting to know this neighborhood.

I believe that trip to the 2nd hand bike shop where Mamy & Papa bought her a very nice bike with a bell & a basket for her stuffies was also deleted from her memory.

It’s been another GREAT week in Avrillé!

New Vocabulary:

  1. Faites des bêtises (fay day beh-teez) — means to goof off, or be full of nonsense
  2. J’ai soif (jay swaf) — I’m thirsty
  3. Je voudrais l’eau avec du sirop, si te plait (Juh voodray low avec do sear-oh, see tuh play) — I would like water with syrup please.
  4. Je ne say pas (juh nuh say paw) – I don’t know.
  5. Arrete! (Ahh-Ret!) — STOP! example, “Arrete des bêtises!”
Mommy got a watercolor journal. I’m playing catch up. 🙂

I feel giddy being the American (the foreigner) with access to this magical place and stories dating back to the late 19th century.

The brothers were born at this house and spent their entire lives living on this land, at this house. They never had indoor plumbing.

My husband’s great uncles grew up and lived all their lives in the buildings on the right.
It doesn’t look like much, but there is so much history and the stories are WILD!
The Harvesters. Xavi’s grandfather is on the far left, Jules. Marco’s middle name was given after Xavi’s grandfather. This is some 50 years ago!

Afterwards, we drove to visit Henri at the Assisted Living home he lives at now. It’s in the same area as the farm, near the river Layon. That is where I snapped the photograph above.


— we found it at a 2nd hand bike shop. Keira is not fond of the color pink, especially light pink. This bike is all that and with flowers.

I think it sank in though that 1) Her street cred is intact as she has zero friends here outside of family and 2) If she wants a bike to ride these next 7 weeks, this is it!

We found Marc a “new” bike too. Both were steals!!!

After reading through my mom’s journals (prior to our Mother’s Day post), I have been inspired to write freely about our days; good things or those not so pleasant things.

Wednesday we went to visit Xavi’s aunt, Marie Jo. I love this woman. She has been slowly losing her memory, but she still has the same enthusiasm when she saw us as she used to have in her better years.

Marie Jo & Xavi. Behind Xavi, the kids goofing off as usual.

And although she only actually remembered my husband, I didn’t mind. Her smile brought back many fond memories I have of her.

Because her memory is dwindling, she asked me the same questions about 4-5 times. I LOVED IT. I got to practice my french!!

Thursday — a drive to Saumur !!

It was fascinating but the caves were oh so chilly! Brrrrrr !!
A PINK coral-looking mushroom!!
My kids aren’t able to take normal pics. I’ve accepted this. 😛

Pics above are from the “Le Musée du Champignon” – the Mushroom Museum!

We learned about how mushrooms grow, and the history of mushroom growing! Saumur was such a beautiful area. I could definitely come back here, w/o the kids…

My mother-in-law told me her mother’s parents did mushroom cave growing and selling and did not have much light in the caves. Oooooooohhhhhh… spooky!

We are across the street from the area where my mother-in-law’s parents had mushroom growing caves. Their home was along the Loire.

Picnic along the Loire!

Learning about wine (and tasting some too)!

Friday, we received a bit of the “tempête” Miguel, and stayed inside most of the day. My mother-in-law and I took the kids to an indoor playscape they LOVE called, Ouistiti. Photo below!

Voila, our 2nd week in Avrillé.

Au revoir, à bientôt !!

La Famille Ayrault 🙂

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