A week of camping in La Bretagne

Our week 3 was a family reunion camping adventure in La Bretagne followed by our precious nephew’s baptism in Paris on Sunday.

We made some of the best memories over the course of those 7 days together.

June 8 – 14, Camping chez Le Fort Espagnol

Of course, hundreds of pictures were snapped on my iPhone, and instead of trying to recount each day, I’ll post many of my favorites with captions.

We learned that it rains A LOT in La Bretagne, which made us appreciate the sun all the more! We also learned that if you don’t go out when it rains, you’ll never go out. Day 3 we bought rain boots.

First days at the campsite!

Upon arrival, Keira immediately taught her cousin how to play baseball!
The 5 cousins later bonded over a game of soccer… err..football!
Can you believe these trees!?!?!
Breakfast: Baguette, butter & coffee.
I love how long we sit at the table together each morning. No rush.
Off to the pool, but first — let’s brush our teeth!


Sunday, despite the rain fall & cold temps, we drove to Carnac to visit the famous and historic fields lined with stones larger than a small car. The grandeur of the aligned stones in field after field left me speechless. If it hadn’t been raining the whole time, I would have loved to walk further.

A cold & rainy walk through the historic stones in Carnac.
The rows of stones went on for miles and miles.

Tumulus de Kercado – a tomb dating back to the Neolithic period

I may have that fact wrong! This tomb tucked away in the forest dates back to 4,500 years before Jesus Christ. WOW.

Xavi and I were in charge of meals Tuesday

We did PANCAKES for breakfast, FISH TACOS for lunch & BURGERS with a homemade “in ‘n out” sauce wrapped “protein style” (lettuce wrap) for dinner!

PANCAKES with a big dog at your feet.
Maple syrup all the way from Austin, Texas!
We were elated to find tacos in the supermarché!
Just like Güero’s Taco Bar on South Congress! (*wink wink*)
The wrap didn’t work quite like “In ‘n Out’ though!
Some went for the bun. I don’t blame them… lettuce wrap was messy.

The area we were staying in is well known for boat-racing.

I fell in low with the harbors and marinas.

Supposedly a boat that took 1st place in a boat race around the world.
Marco made friends quickly with the other campsite, French kids.


I have probably 50+ pictures from this excursion to St.-Pierre-Quiberon and downtown Quiberon, but below are a some of my faves.

It was SO WINDY & cold! “Il y a du vent! (eel-ee-yah doo vuhn) There’s wind. No kidding!
Despite the cold wind, the views were breathtaking.
Petit bâteau sur l’eau.
She fell asleep in the car on our way and managed to get carried the majority of the walk. 🙂
One of the many beaches along the peninsula. We saw surfers in the water below.
Christmas card photo… Check!
Cold children waiting to be rewarded with ice cream.
She loved riding the car with her Aunt & family
I could walk these trails every day! Just so beautiful.
One of the beaches along the peninsula. This one is called Plage de Port Bara. No swimming allowed – very dangerous currents. We still saw two crazy teenagers run in for a swim.
From the beach we drove to downtown Quiberon for some ice cream and some beach play!
It was cold and windy, but still a very nice day. “Il fait beau.”
Nutella flavored!
Marco got the Smurf ice cream flavor.
Cécile got hazelnut — yum!
Ours was some sort of cinnamon cookie flavor.
Football on à la plage (at the beach) with their uncle.

Lunch Thursday

Marco fell sick Thursday morning and was in bed all day. Now 6 days later, he is just beginning to recover from what we think was the stomach flu.

This beautiful and tasty seafood dish was brought to me in the other cabin while I looked after Marco who was down with the stomach flu.

Friday: Bike riding on L’ile aux Moines

We took the ferry after lunch to the island of Moines, L’ile aux Moines. Marco and I rode the tandem bike together so he could reserve his energy. That stomach flu wiped him out. His stomach troubles continued an entire week after this photo was taken. Keira and her cousin had single bikes they rode. It was so much fun!

It was absolutely beautiful and I sadly did not stop to take as many pictures as I wanted. I took it all in without my iPhone lens.

Taking the ferry to the island. We sat in front.
Tandem with Marco since he was in bed with the stomach flu ALL day Thursday. 5 days after this picture was taken, he was finally all better.
This bike ride was tough on him. Mommy pedaled when he needed to take a break though. He was elated to be out and about though.
Our view after getting off the ferry walking to the bike rental place.
I love the cobalt blue shutters and doors on the homes in this region.
One of the many quaint homes along our ride.
I’m in love with the old stone homes and stone walls.
(My niece head on her bike)

Friday evening, Anniversaire (birthday) dinner for Mamy.

Friday, our last official day, we celebrated my mother-in-law’s birthday with this beautiful & tasty dish!
Celebrating my mother-in-law’s birthday was so special.
A grand merci from Mamy on her birthday.
Great pic of Marco and his uncle. Hook ’em Horns!
Our last day at the campsite.

Our time in France with family has surpassed my hopes and imagination of what this time would be like together.

These are a few of the things Marco and Keira wrote down in their journals!

“Going to the swimming pool with everyone, and seeing that the pool had a shallow end where I could stand made today great!” – Keira

“I learned I can always count on my brother.” – Keira, June 10th

“I am grateful for… a dishwasher.” – Keira

“I learned that it rains A LOT in La Bretagne!” – Keira, June 11th

“One thing that made today great was walking and stomping in muddy puddles with my new rain boots, and dancing the macarena with my cousins after dinner.” – Keira June 12th

“Dinner tonight is pretty fun because you get to cook your own meat!” – Keira, June 15th (we were doing fondue)

“One thing that made today great was playing soccer with the other kids after dinner.” – Marco, June 8th

Swimming at the pool and going down the waterslide made today great.” – Marco, June 10th

Today I learned that Maël & Morgann’s dog, Hooper, poops like a bird. No thought about location, just goes.” – Marco, June 10th

“Two amazing things that happened today: I got rain boots and we bought candy.” – Marco, June 11th

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