I started compiling notes for a book in 1986, while living in Cairo.  I typed page after page on a 1980’s computer and printing pages on our dot matrix printer!    I kept journals, diaries, even my old printer pages of the early chapters.

As time went on and I got busier and busier and my ideas and memorabilia piled up to the point of becoming overwhelming.  I knew I had to start someplace, but every time I tried, I would find something else to do.  Once again, I would procrastinate.

Fast Forward to 2021! 

Connie’s Truffle House website, YouTube channel & Newsletter are giving me the opportunity to share stories about  family, my love of life, joy, heartache, miracles, recipes, friendship & much more.   The silver lining from the Covid pandemic &  sheltering in place has provided time to work on this since our social life is pretty much non existent.

So, I finally decided to STOP procrastinating & reach out to someone who would be great at helping me figure out how to do this.   Thank goodness I found Cheryl Rae who wasn’t at all intimidated by the mountain of notes, journals, recipes, videos, etc.

Years ago, someone asked me why I wanted to do this.  First of all, I want to leave a legacy for my family.  Also, I may be in my 70’s, but I’m not done living my life.  I’m still writing chapters and might as well share with my precious family & friends.   I also want to glorify God in the process.   He’s been faithful & has shown me more grace than I deserve. My prayer is this book will not only be uplifting, but will give you some good recipes, fun stories and most of all, HOPE and JOY!

Family will see Mama, Mimi, Con and Aunt Connie being silly and  laughing out loud while making the videos.  One of those silly moments happened when I didn’t realize the camera was running while Kristin and I were being pretty silly!  My prayer is the blog posts will not only be uplifting, but will give you HOPE and JOY!

So, my advice to you if you’re a procrastinating something you really want to do,  STOP making excuses and START making something happen!  Start today by telling yourself, I’m ready to do this!  Pray for wisdom and guts to get started.   Seek an accountability partner.

I’m pretty sure I hold the record for being THE BIGGEST PROCRASTINATOR!  As of today, I’ve been procrastinating writing this book for over 35 years!  But, as the saying goes…Better Late than Never!   Amen!

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