If the answer is no, you’re in luck!

Hey Friends,

How many times have you found a recipe to make and it calls for buttermilk?   You don’t even have to open the frig to know there’s no buttermilk in there!   I’ve been there too many times to count.

Great News!  You can make buttermilk in 5 minutes and it’s simple!   If you have milk, vinegar and / or a fresh lemon on hand, you’re in business!

Here’s how to make 1 cup of buttermilk:

  • Pour 1 cup of milk (whole, 2% or skim) into a jar or 2 cup measuring cup
  • Add 1 tbsp of fresh lemon or vinegar

Stir together and let stand for 5 minutes.   It will start to curdle and become perfect for that recipe that requires buttermilk.

GOOD LUCK & let me know how this worked for you & what you made.  I love hearing from y’all!

Thanks for checking out our blog!   Please come back OFTEN!

xoxo  connie


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