Never in a million years…

Jeremiah 29: 11 says, 

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD,

“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Here are some examples of how this verse has encouraged me at different stages of my life.

  • Never in a million years did I think I would be making YouTube videos and have a blog with my daughter, Kristin!
  • Never in a million years did I dream I would be raising 3 kids in Cairo, Egypt.
  • Never in a million years could Bill and I imagine having a conversation with a pediatric orthopedic surgeon that our daughter, Kristin, had a bone disease that could cripple her for life — that’s for another post!
  • Never in a million years could I imagine  I would lose my sister when she was 63 years young.
  • Never in a million years could I imagine I would unexpectedly lose my mother at 67 years young.

Through every trial, heartache, triumph and celebration, the Lord has shown me that He is always with me.

I like to think of our lives as chapters in a book and we  write those chapters. Sometimes, the chapters don’t turn out the way we planned.   Thank Goodness, God knows our needs better than we do.

I am so thankful Bill and I pray and ask God for his guidance and wisdom.   He’s led us down some unexpected paths.  God opened doors we weren’t sure about walking through and shut some we wanted open.   But, in the end, we were where we were supposed to be each time.

I’m  67 years young, a Senior Citizen on Medicare and loving Life!   I’m thankful for each day and realize life is a gift.   My faith has been shaken and strengthened at different times in my life.   But, God’s faithfulness always shone through during times of doubt.   He has restored Joy in the midst of challenge.

There were times in my life I thought “this is just too much”!   One example of God’s goodness was when we lived in Cairo, Egypt.   Bill worked a 7/7 shift, which basically meant he was gone half the time.   I was trying to raise 3 kids under 7 in a foreign country.  The Lord knew my needs and provided community and friendship as strong as family.   We’re still friends with many people we knew in Egypt.   

Whatever is going on in your life, ask God to direct your steps.   Pray and trust in His Promise!

Jeremiah 29:11 is one of those promises.   

I’m thankful for each of you!  Believe that God has great plans for you.   You won’t be disappointed.



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